Johnnie Walker Black 1L
$63.00Add to cartWhat can one say about Johnnie Walker Black Label that hasn’t already been said? It’s a classic the world over and comes in any size for any occasion.
Bulleit 95 Rye 1.75L
$69.00Add to cartFun play on sweet and spicy, with butterscotch and tobacco notes. A bulle(i)t of flavor to the palate.
Stolichnaya Vanilla Vodka 750ml
$27.00Add to cart -
Deep Eddy Ruby Red Vodka 750ml
$24.00Add to cart -
Belvedere Organic Pear & Ginger Vodka 750ml
$43.00Add to cart -
Shibui Pure Malt Whisky 750ml
$79.00Add to cart -
Casamigos Tequila Blanco 1.75L
$99.00Add to cartGeorge Clooney sold it for $1 Billion to booze giant Diageo, and became the face (and drive) behind many of the celebrity-backed booze companies. A perfect marketing case study.
Don Fulano Anejo 750ml
$99.00Add to cartFrom the Fonseca family, the Don Fulano is a look at the flavors of the highland agave of Jalisco with a bit of barrel aging. It’s a marriage of very old tequilas aged in French oak that previously held wines. Deep and complex and spicy, a perfect digestivo.
No 3 London Dry Gin 750ml
$49.00Add to cartThis is an ultra-premium expression of gin that relies heavily on three flavors: juniper, citrus, and spice. Juniper sits on the front of the palate but is ensconced by a warming cardamom, zingy citrus, and gingery coriander seeds.
Macallan 18 Year Sherry Cask Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml
$409.00Add to cartThe Macallan needs no real introduction, but the special series of sherry cask releases maybe does. The Sherry Oak Collection is a series of single malts that have rested in hand-picked ex-Sherry casks from Jerez. The cask adds richness and complexity and over the 18 years this single malt has gotten a fuller bodied palate of oak, ginger, and raisins but with a gOregon’s addition of sweet grapes, dates, chocolate oranges, and cinnamon.
Maker’s Mark Bourbon Whisky 50ml
$4.00Add to cartA classic for a reason, Maker’s is soft, creamy, and balanced. A perfect pick up for those looking for a pop of color on their packaging.
Nikka Coffey Grain Whiskey 750ml
$75.00Add to cartWe love the products from Nikka. They are all great examples of what a Coffey still can bring to a spirit. These traditional Coffey stills are difficult to operate and not efficient, but they retain flavors from the ingredients and deliver a distinctively creamy texture. This whisky is made from 100% malted barley and matured in old casks to enhance the rich maltiness, complexity and a silky texture.
Cascahuin Tahona Tequila Blanco 750ml
$99.00Add to cartAn artisanally made tequila that leans into the traditional tahona process to produces a savory tequila that still maintains to have robust citrus, floral, and herbal notes.
Casamigos Tequila Blanco 50ml
$6.00Add to cart -
Knob Creek 9 Year Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
$40.00Add to cartOne of the best values in Bourbon for the age and proof. A rich caramel, nutty flavor drives it, but there’s a lovely tobacco and easy element that’s hard to pin down. For a value focused this 100 proof daily drinker is perfect.
Jim Beam Black 750ml
$37.00Add to cartSeven years into the aging process is the first time you really start to see some oomph from the barrel. The whiskey mellows a bit, and for the Jim Beam Black it has much stronger caramel and oak notes on the palate. A well priced sipper.
Nikka Coffey Malt Whisky
$104.00Add to cart -
Catedral Mezcal Espadin 200ML
$20.00Add to cartThis is a great mixing mezcal made by a female founded company that profit-shares with its farmers. Think notes of lemongrass, stones, and a nice texture.
Fort Hamilton New World Dry 750ml
$39.00Add to cartA rye inspired by the American Revolution and the part that New York had to play in it. A classic American spirit that’s as classic as it can be. Made in Brooklyn.
Hornitos Black Barrel Tequila Anejo
$49.00Add to cartHornitos Black Barrel starts as an Añejo, then it spends four months in a deeply charred oak barrels to give it a smoky flavor and a golden amber color. It spends an additional two months in toasted barrels for more depth and boldness of flavor.
Borghetti Liquore di Vero Caffe Espresso 750ml
$35.00Add to cartThis is maybe the ultimate expression of Italian coffee. It has the dark roasted flavors of freshly brewed espresso in a traditional caffe, not those nespresso pretenders, with a dash of grappa-like spirits. A pre-batched caffe corretto.
Grey Goose Vodka 50ml
$4.00Add to cartAnother familiar top shelf vodka that can be used well in a variety of settings.
Grey Goose Vodka 375ml
$21.00Add to cartAnother familiar top shelf vodka that can be used well in a variety of settings.
Don Julio 1942 Tequila 750ml
$195.00Add to cartThis premium tequila was aged for two and a half years for a rich caramel and chocolate nose and roasted agave and oak finish.
DeNada Tequila Blanco 700ml
$41.00Add to cart -
DeNada Tequila Reposado 700ml
$46.00Add to cartA brand built by one of our neighbors who has sourced great tequila and cares about the environmental trappings of consumption. Look out for their new aluminum bottles soon!
Taconic Distillery Double Barrel Maple Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
$49.00Add to cartA Hudson Valley distillery using local grains and used maple syrup barrels for the second barrel aging to give just a kiss of maple sweetness to their double barrel bourbon.
Taconic Distillery Founders Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml
$49.00Add to cartA notably smooth rye whiskey that draws terroir from the local rye grains and mineral-rich spring water.
Taconic Distillery Dutchess Private Reserve Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
$49.00Add to cartA straight bourbon from a Hudson Valley distillery using local grains for a tasting profile that features a palate full of spice, honey, and vanilla.
Select Aperitif Liqueur
$38.00Add to cartThis is the Venetian classic, the original spritz mixer. Forget the sweeter Aperol and the more familiar Campari and do as the Venetians do and get a Spritz with Select. (Will’s Favorite Spritz)
Amaro Lucano 750ml
$38.00Add to cartThis amaro comes from Basilicata and has a rich syrupy texture that’s balanced by a pleasant bitterness that comes from spices and herbs. It plays particularly well with other spirits when used to add a bit of complexity to a cocktail.
Isaac Bowman Port Barrel Finished Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
$48.00Add to cart