Nikka Coffey Grain Whiskey 750ml
We love the products from Nikka. They are all great examples of what a Coffey still can bring to a spirit. These traditional Coffey stills are difficult to operate and not efficient, but they retain flavors from the ingredients and deliver a distinctively creamy texture. This whisky is made from 100% malted barley and matured in old casks to enhance the rich maltiness, complexity and a silky texture.
1 in stock
Nikka Coffey Grain Whiskey 750ml
Community Notes
We love the products from Nikka. They are all great examples of what a Coffey still can bring to a spirit. These traditional Coffey stills are difficult to operate and not efficient, but they retain flavors from the ingredients and deliver a distinctively creamy texture. This whisky is made from 100% malted barley and matured in old casks to enhance the rich maltiness, complexity and a silky texture.
1 in stock