Baileys Original Irish Cream 750ml
$43.00Add to cartIrish whiskey is blended with Irish cream, chocolate, and vanilla.
J.J. Corry Irish Whiskey
$48.00Add to cartLouise McGuane is the figurehead and distiller behind J.J. Corry. After years wandering and working all over the world in the spirits industry, she found herself a home on the windswept edge of West Clare on the precipice of the Atlantic. Reviving the act of bonding (blending whiskeys with different flavor profiles) and bringing in barrels from her travels, she has crafted a meticulously balanced Blended Grain Irish Whiskey aged in American and ex-bourbon casks from Tennessee and Kentucky.
Jameson Irish Whiskey 375ml
$19.00Add to cart -
$36.00Add to cartYou know it, you love it. An Irish pub mainstay that sits perfectly beside a well-poured draught of Guinness.
West Cork Bog Oak Irish Whiskey 750ml
$51.00Add to cart -
West Cork Bourbon Cask Matured Irish Whiskey 750ml
$36.00Add to cartA homegrown (and transparent) distillery from Ireland that ages some of its whiskeys in ex-bourbon casks for a little extra sweetness and rounded texture to the final product.