Empress 1908 Cucumber Lemon Gin 750ml
$42.00Add to cartThe Empress Cucumber Lemon Gin blends eight botanicals to create an interesting spirit inspired by afternoon tea. Think lively citrus notes, fresh cucumber, fragrant jasmine and delicate spice.
Empress 1908 Elderflower Rose Gin
$42.00Add to cartThe Empress Elderflower Rose Gin has a bright floral bouquet of nine ingredients including red rose petals, elderflower, and lavender. It has a rich aroma and a surprisingly understated floral palate complemented by citrus and spice notes and a hint of sweetness.
Empress 1908 Indigo Gin 750ml
$42.00Add to cartThe Empress 1908 Indigo Gin incorporates eight botanicals inspired by Fairmont Empress’s renowned afternoon tea service and balances the traditional citrus notes of gin with a warm herbal earthiness. The vibrant color comes from the infusion of butterfly pea flowers.
Proof and Wood Crossborder Jackpot Canadian Whisky 750ml
$74.00Add to cart