Amaro Lucano 750ml
$38.00Add to cartThis amaro comes from Basilicata and has a rich syrupy texture that’s balanced by a pleasant bitterness that comes from spices and herbs. It plays particularly well with other spirits when used to add a bit of complexity to a cocktail.
Amaro Montenegro 750ml
$40.00Add to cartDespite it’s darker color this amaro still sits on the sweeter side of the spectrum. Think sweet vanilla with citrus peel and eucalyptus.
Bordiga Amaro Dilei 750ml
$43.00Add to cartA light and breezy alpine amaro that has nice peppermint flavor and is redolent of the Piedmont.
Braulio Amaro 1L
$59.00Add to cartA true classic that tastes like barrel aged wind on a high alpine meadow. The perfect after dinner cool down. A digestivo from on high.
Cappellano Barolo Chinato Aromatizzato 2018
$75.00Add to cartOnce treated as medicine, this digestive amaro is full of the beautiful bitter flavors from the Piedmont and will accompany your dessert beautifully.
Cappelletti Amaro Sfumato Rabarbaro 750ml
$32.00Add to cartAn amaro made with Rhubarb that hails from the Italian alps. It’s smoky, woody, sweet, and herbaceous—like early spring in the mountains.
Faccia Brutto Alpino Amaro 750ml
$53.00Add to cartAn alpine amaro aged in whiskey barrels, try this next time you’re pining for the mountains.
Faccia Brutto Carciofo 375ml
$27.00Add to cartA love letter to family and Fernet that blends 21 ingredients (saffron, myrrh, aloe ferox, peppermint, and gentian root) in the spirit for two weeks. This fernet has far less sugar than the bigger brands and is naturally colored with roasted chicory root. Our choice for a Ferrari.
Faccia Brutto Fernet Pianta 375ml
$25.00Add to cartA love letter to family and Fernet that blends 21 ingredients (saffron, myrrh, aloe ferox, peppermint, and gentian root) in the spirit for two weeks. This fernet has far less sugar than the bigger brands and is naturally colored with roasted chicory root. Our choice for a Ferrari.
Fernet-Branca 750ml
$37.00Add to cartThe taste of Milan and the favorite spirit of Argentina. Beautifully dark and brooding, but oh-so bitterly delicious.
Nardini Grappa Bianca 700ml
$35.00Add to cartOne of the classic grappas that is noted for it’s smooth fruit forward flavors.
Varnelli Amaro Sibilla 1L
$65.00Add to cartIncredibly handmade (mortar and pestle ground botanicals and log fed fires) nutty, dried fruit, coffee, and honey intermingle on the palate Is followed by a long tannic finish.