Elena Penna London Dry Gin 700ml
$39.00Add to cartAn alpine gin that features the beautiful mountain (and valley) flavors of the Piemonte from Elena Penna Currado and Luca Currado Vietti of the iconic Piedmont-based Vietti winery.
Empress 1908 Cucumber Lemon Gin 750ml
The Empress Cucumber Lemon Gin blends eight botanicals to create an interesting spirit inspired by afternoon tea. Think lively citrus notes, fresh cucumber, fragrant jasmine and delicate spice.
$42.00$36.00Add to cart -
Empress 1908 Elderflower Rose Gin
$42.00Add to cartThe Empress Elderflower Rose Gin has a bright floral bouquet of nine ingredients including red rose petals, elderflower, and lavender. It has a rich aroma and a surprisingly understated floral palate complemented by citrus and spice notes and a hint of sweetness.
Empress 1908 Indigo Gin 750ml
$42.00Add to cartThe Empress 1908 Indigo Gin incorporates eight botanicals inspired by Fairmont Empress’s renowned afternoon tea service and balances the traditional citrus notes of gin with a warm herbal earthiness. The vibrant color comes from the infusion of butterfly pea flowers.
Forthave Blue Gin 750ml
$42.00Add to cartThe Forthave Blue is a botanical forward gin infused with 18 botanicals including juniper, grapefruit and mint. It is unfiltered so it will create a pearlescent effect when poured over ice or when mixed with tonic.
Four Pillars Yuzu Gin
$39.00Add to cartAnother offering from Australian distillers Four Pillars, this time featuring Yuzu. Use for any gin cocktails that need a citric kick.
Greenhook Ginsmiths Small Batch American Dry Gin 750ml
$42.00Add to cartA bold American styled gin that packs a botanical punch from juniper, nine other botanicals, and organically grown wheat.
Hendrick’s Gin 1.75 L
$74.00Add to cartThis is the gin largely responsible for re-inventing the category with its unique (at the time) inclusion of non-traditional botanicals, and in this case cucumber. It’s delicious and familiar.
Hendrick’s Gin 750ml
$44.00Add to cartThis is the gin largely responsible for re-inventing the category with its unique (at the time) inclusion of non-traditional botanicals, and in this case cucumber. It’s delicious and familiar.
Isolation Proof Gin 1 liter
$50.00Add to cart -
Isolation Proof Original Small Batch Gin 750ml
$44.00Add to cartLocal distillers that launched in 2020 to showcase the beautiful flavors of the Catskills. We love Isolation Proof.
Kyoto Distillery Ki No Bi Gin 750ml
$79.00Add to cartKI NO BI “The Beauty of the Seasons” uses yellow yuzu, akamatsu wood chips (Japanese red pine), bamboo, gyokuro tea from the Uji region and green sanshō (Japanese peppercorn) berries to create an exquisite gin.
Mazzetti London Dry Gin 750ml
$48.00Add to cart -
Neversink Barrel-Aged ‘Reserve’ Gin
Starting with a base of the Neversink gin that is aged for an extra nine months in their apple brand barrels, this reserve bottle has a little texture and spice that make it ideal as a modifier for cocktails.
$59.00$51.00Add to cart -
Nikka Coffey Gin 750ml
$41.00Add to cartThe package is precise and tidy, and everything is in its right place. The Gin is soft, with a rounded texture. There is a subtlety to it, but as you take the first sip, you realize there is also a warmth; it’s inviting, knows just what you are looking for, and welcomes you to ask more of it. – David
No 3 London Dry Gin 750ml
$49.00Add to cartThis is an ultra-premium expression of gin that relies heavily on three flavors: juniper, citrus, and spice. Juniper sits on the front of the palate but is ensconced by a warming cardamom, zingy citrus, and gingery coriander seeds.
Nordes Gin 700ml
$50.00Add to cartDespite what you might think, the Spanish drink more Gin per capita than any other location on earth—primarily in Gin and Tonics which are served in huge, aroma enhancing glasses. Nordes is one of the best gins for that purpose. This Galician gin has eleven botanicals that are all macerated and distilled separately, one of the most impactful and interesting is Salicornia (a native sea vegetable that lends salinity and mineral maritime flavors. Overall the gin is fresh, fruity, and citrusy from lemon verbena and Albariño which is used to make the base distillate, but the palate has a bit more spice and a subtle touch of juniper. Absolutely delicious.
Plymouth Gin 750ml
$35.00Add to cartSimilar to a London style the Plymouth is ever so slightly less dry and a bit earthier. This is a gin for drinkers who want a bit more oomph than Tanqueray.
Procera Green Dot Gin
$190.00Add to cartThis is a wild top-shelf gin from Community favorite Kenyan gin producers Procera who have made this green dot from a single juniper tree. What has resulted is the purest expression of juniper gin we have ever tasted.
Sipsmith London Dry
$43.00Add to cartA classic London dry, but this one is actually made there!
Song Cai Distillery Dry Gin 700ml
$42.00Add to cartA unique gin with all Vietnamese botanicals form the highlands, it’s beautifully floral with spiced citrus, pine, and sweet anise finish. Gorgeous gorgeous.
Suntory Roku Gin
$36.00Add to cartSuntory’s Roku Gin celebrates the exceptional flavors of each of Japan’s four seasons at their peak and balances a subtle spiciness with vibrant floral notes, gentle sweetness from green tea and yuzu citrus.
Tanqueray London Dry Gin 750ml
$32.00Add to cartA classic gin with a kiss of grapefruit zest.
The Botanist Islay Dry Gin 750ml
$42.00Add to cartA gin for the scotch lover, it’s fresh gorse blooms, rain on a forest hillside, or wind across the moors.
Uncle Val’s Botanical Gin
$32.00Add to cart -
Uncle Val’s Restorative Gin
$32.00Add to cart