Akashi White Oak Japanese Blended Whisky 750ml
$54.00Add to cartThis spirit forward whiskey is made in the tradition of Scotch, but is light in oak and smoke but is oh-so smooth.
Angel’s Envy Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
$54.00Add to cartClassic bourbon aged for 4-6 years and finished with six months in Douro Port casks. Do you envy the angels their share?
Basil Hayden Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
$50.00Add to cartA gateway bourbon and the entry level in the Jim Beam small batch portfolio, Basil Hayden is corn-forward with low abv.
Bruichladdich The Classic Laddie 750ml
$69.00Add to cartAn absolutely delightful unpeated Islay full of flavors of barley sugar, mint, and wildflowers before opening to honey, lemon drops, and tangerine.
Buffalo Trace Bourbon
$40.00Add to cartA stellar entry level bourbon that’s balanced, easy to drink, and very well priced with a (supposed) 8+ years of age.
Bulleit 95 Rye 1.75L
$69.00Add to cartFun play on sweet and spicy, with butterscotch and tobacco notes. A bulle(i)t of flavor to the palate.
Bulleit 95 Rye 750ml
$40.00Add to cartFun play on sweet and spicy, with butterscotch and tobacco notes. A bulle(i)t of flavor to the palate.
Bulleit Bourbon 750ml
$39.00Add to cartA classic party bourbon that wears its southern heritage like a badge of pride through its branding.
Elijah Craig Small Batch 750ml
$38.00Add to cartA goldilocks bourbon, not too much not too little. Solid bourbon at an easy price.
Fireball 50ml
$4.00Add to cart -
Fort Hamilton Double Barrel Rye Whiskey 750ml
$41.00Add to cartA rye inspired by the American Revolution and the part that New York had to play in it. A classic American spirit that’s as classic as it can be. Made in Brooklyn.
Four Roses Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
$29.00Add to cart -
Glenfiddich 12 Year Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml
$69.00Add to cartOne of the best selling scotches in the world, this 12 year is a great entre into the world of scotch whisky. It’s got classic flavors with low smoke and truly honeyed, vanilla-laced fruit that dominates the palate.
Great Jones Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
$48.00Add to cartThe first legal distillery in NYC since prohibition. The bourbon is aged for four years and has classic notes of corn, vanilla, and pepper.
Great Jones Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml
$48.00Add to cartThe first legal distillery in NYC since prohibition. The rye is aged for four years and is made from 100% New York rye. A spicy love letter to the state of New York.
Heavens Door Rye 10YR Decade Series
$104.00Add to cartA 10 year high rye whiskey that overdelivers on complexity. A Pleasureville classic.
Highland Park 21 YR 92 proof
$405.00Add to cart -
Isaac Bowman Port Barrel Finished Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
This bourbon owes much of its flavor to the port barrel finish. It’s all candied fruit in crème with a bourbon backbone.
$48.00$41.00Add to cart -
J.J. Corry Irish Whiskey
$48.00Add to cartLouise McGuane is the figurehead and distiller behind J.J. Corry. After years wandering and working all over the world in the spirits industry, she found herself a home on the windswept edge of West Clare on the precipice of the Atlantic. Reviving the act of bonding (blending whiskeys with different flavor profiles) and bringing in barrels from her travels, she has crafted a meticulously balanced Blended Grain Irish Whiskey aged in American and ex-bourbon casks from Tennessee and Kentucky.
Jameson Irish Whiskey 375ml
$19.00Add to cart -
$36.00Add to cartYou know it, you love it. An Irish pub mainstay that sits perfectly beside a well-poured draught of Guinness.
Jefferson’s Ocean Aged at Sea Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
$89.00Add to cart -
Jefferson’s Reserve Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
$69.00Add to cartA deliscious whiskey that has a everything you want like honey, licorice, fennel, and fruit but still seems to contain a more rye-like spice that is really nice. Still a straight Bourbon, but with a fun kick of herbs.
Jefferson’s Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
$45.00Add to cartA blended, entry-level bourbon that gets it right. Notes of brown sugar, citrus, vanilla, peach, and toffee.
Jim Beam Black 750ml
$37.00Add to cartSeven years into the aging process is the first time you really start to see some oomph from the barrel. The whiskey mellows a bit, and for the Jim Beam Black it has much stronger caramel and oak notes on the palate. A well priced sipper.
Johnnie Walker Black 750ml
$47.00Add to cartWhat can one say about Johnnie Walker Black Label that hasn’t already been said? It’s a classic the world over and comes in any size for any occasion.
Johnnie Walker Blue Label 750ml
$250.00Add to cartAn exeptionally smooth Scotch from the deepest reserves Johnie Walker has access to.
Laphroaig 10 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml
$71.00Add to cartCold smoked malted barley and 10 years of aging leave this classic full of punchy peat, salty seaweed, and a sweet finish. Everything you need from Islay, nothing you dont.
Maker’s Mark Bourbon Whisky 50ml
$4.00Add to cartA classic for a reason, Maker’s is soft, creamy, and balanced. A perfect pick up for those looking for a pop of color on their packaging.
Maker’s Mark Bourbon Whisky 750ml
$40.00Add to cartA classic for a reason, Maker’s is soft, creamy, and balanced. A perfect pick up for those looking for a pop of color on their packaging.
Mars Distillery, Iwai Tradition – Sherry Cask
$83.00Add to cartA limited edition (only 540 bottles to the US) takes the malt-driven Iwai Tradition and finishes for nearly a year in Pedro Ximénez casks imparting the rich nuttiness of oxidation.