Gianni Brunelli Brunello di Montalcino 2019


This is another Tuscan wine that will be a favorite for Burg-hounds.

Gianni Brunelli, a shockingly under-the-radar producer tucked into the hillsides of Montalcino, one of the finest and most transparent Brunello’s we know that is just starting to pop up onto Italian wine lover’s lists after a 100-point score from Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate for the 2016 vintage. Reviewer Monica Larner said, “If you seek the truth in Sangiovese, I think you find it here.” What more could you want?

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Gianni Brunelli Brunello di Montalcino 2019

Gianni Brunelli Brunello di Montalcino 2019

Community Notes

This is another Tuscan wine that will be a favorite for Burg-hounds.

Gianni Brunelli, a shockingly under-the-radar producer tucked into the hillsides of Montalcino, one of the finest and most transparent Brunello’s we know that is just starting to pop up onto Italian wine lover’s lists after a 100-point score from Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate for the 2016 vintage. Reviewer Monica Larner said, “If you seek the truth in Sangiovese, I think you find it here.” What more could you want?


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