Borgo del Tiglio Studio di Bianco 2020


From the winemaker Nicola Manferrari:

On Easter Monday 1989, when I completed the purchase transaction for five hectares of land on the south-east slopes of the Ruttars hill, I had a powerful sensation that something good was going to happen here. Giorgio, the grower who owned the land before me, hacked down the woods in order to till the land (and who tells of how he had to go the bank for a loan to buy his first spade) and planted it out with various kinds of white grape varieties. I decided not to waste the secrets lying hidden in the vineyard and made the wines in separate batches. The following year I wanted to find out how mixing these together would result. I got ready to make a whole range of blended wines, mixing several varieties in ratios of 50% where possible. I did the same thing the following year, and noticed how the best wines seemed to come from blends containing Tocai, Sauvignon and Riesling Renano. And there I found what I had been looking for for so many years; a white wine which was capable of evoking something special from these lands south of the Alps.”

When combined these grapes harmonize, and bring out the character of the vineyard in these elegant wines. There are spices, juniper, and resins that emerge with peach trees full of ripe fruit whose fragrance marries with a sharper tang of the fruit of the almond trees.

The wine is produced only in good years.

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Borgo del Tiglio Studio di Bianco 2020

Borgo del Tiglio Studio di Bianco 2020



Community Notes

From the winemaker Nicola Manferrari:

On Easter Monday 1989, when I completed the purchase transaction for five hectares of land on the south-east slopes of the Ruttars hill, I had a powerful sensation that something good was going to happen here. Giorgio, the grower who owned the land before me, hacked down the woods in order to till the land (and who tells of how he had to go the bank for a loan to buy his first spade) and planted it out with various kinds of white grape varieties. I decided not to waste the secrets lying hidden in the vineyard and made the wines in separate batches. The following year I wanted to find out how mixing these together would result. I got ready to make a whole range of blended wines, mixing several varieties in ratios of 50% where possible. I did the same thing the following year, and noticed how the best wines seemed to come from blends containing Tocai, Sauvignon and Riesling Renano. And there I found what I had been looking for for so many years; a white wine which was capable of evoking something special from these lands south of the Alps.”

When combined these grapes harmonize, and bring out the character of the vineyard in these elegant wines. There are spices, juniper, and resins that emerge with peach trees full of ripe fruit whose fragrance marries with a sharper tang of the fruit of the almond trees.

The wine is produced only in good years.


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