Dolin Vermouth de Chambery Dry 750ml
$18.00Add to cartMore complex and a little sweeter than the red vermouth, this white is a classic fresh alpine expression that can add some zest to your next cocktail.
Clase Azul Reposado 750ml
$210.00Add to cartA top shelf Reposado that’s been aged for 8 months in ex-Whiskey barrels. The tequila makers focused on ensuring that this expression is smooth and refreshing.
Hendricks Gin 1.75 L
$74.00Add to cartThis is the gin largely responsible for re-inventing the category with its unique (at the time) inclusion of non-traditional botanicals, and in this case cucumber. It’s delicious and familiar.
Woodford Reserve Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
$49.00Add to cartAn entry level bourbon best used for cocktails, or as you like.
Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva Rum 750ml
$45.00Add to cartThis is the gateway rum, the rum that will convince the haters. Beautifully complex but still sweet. Cut through all the noise with a squeeze of lime and a touch of raw sugar and you’re in rum heaven.
Hennessy VS Cognac 750ml
$46.00Add to cartMaybe the most well known Cognac? Defitnely the most popular world-wide. It’s fragrant, full-bodied, and exuberant.
Jack Daniel’s Old No. 7 Tennessee Whiskey 750ml
$38.00Add to cartA classic for a reason, Jack is charcoal filtered and a true taste of Tennessee perfectly paired with bluegrass, peanuts, and a Coca-Cola.
West Cork Classic 750ml
$28.00Add to cartA nicely sweet Irish Whiskey aged for 3 years in ex-bourbon barrels. A cocktail whiskey.
J.J. Corry Irish Whiskey
$48.00Add to cartLouise McGuane is the figurehead and distiller behind J.J. Corry. After years wandering and working all over the world in the spirits industry, she found herself a home on the windswept edge of West Clare on the precipice of the Atlantic. Reviving the act of bonding (blending whiskeys with different flavor profiles) and bringing in barrels from her travels, she has crafted a meticulously balanced Blended Grain Irish Whiskey aged in American and ex-bourbon casks from Tennessee and Kentucky.
Tito’s Handmade Vodka 750ml
$22.00Add to cartThe reigning champ of vodka hailing all the way from Texas.
Espolon Blanco 750ml
$33.00Add to cartThis fun bottle is a good well mixer, the profile is especially suited to margaritas.
Grey Goose Vodka 750ml
$39.00Add to cartAnother familiar top shelf vodka that can be used well in a variety of settings.
Nikka Coffey Vodka 750ml
$39.00Add to cartThis vodka gets interested because it is distilled with a Coffey still that imparts a unparalelled smoothness to the final product.
Tito’s Handmade Vodka 1.75L
$40.00Add to cartThe reigning champ of the vodka category coming in all the way from Texas. Designed to be easy, Tito’s is as straightforward as it gets.
The Botanist Islay Dry Gin 750ml
$42.00Add to cartA gin for the scotch lover, it’s fresh gorse blooms, rain on a forest hillside, or wind across the moors.
Patron Anejo 750ml
$49.00Add to cartBarrel aged for complexity. A good entry to the world of Anejo at a good pricepoint.
Remy Martin XO 700ml
$299.00Add to cartThe peak expression of Remy Martin is a blend of hundreds of other eaux-des-vies from the cellar master and the only word we can use is opulent. A perfect gift or sipping cognac that is worthy of the love it gets.
Bulleit 95 Rye 750ml
$40.00Add to cartFun play on sweet and spicy, with butterscotch and tobacco notes. A bulle(i)t of flavor to the palate.
Laphroaig 10 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml
$71.00Add to cartCold smoked malted barley and 10 years of aging leave this classic full of punchy peat, salty seaweed, and a sweet finish. Everything you need from Islay, nothing you dont.
Lagavulin Lagavulin 16 Year Old 750ml
$118.00Add to cartA staff-favorite, this is the embodiment of what Islay Scotch should be: intense peat, sweet smoke, salt, deft oak, and decent age.
Campari Aperitivo 750ml
$35.00Add to cartA classic for a reason. Campari is the color and life of so many classics: Negronis, Boulevardiers, Jungle Birds, Garibaldis and how could we almost forget the simple spritz?
Lillet Blanc Aperitif 750ml
$27.00Add to cartA blend of orange blossoms, fresh mint, and vanilla from classic white Bordeaux grape varieties.
Cointreau Orange Liqueur Triple Sec 375ml
$28.00Add to cartCointreau is the king of triple sec and our go to for margaritas or Toby Cecchini’s classic take on the Cosmopolitan
Mr. Black Cold Brew Coffee Liqueur 750ml
$39.00Add to cartThe coffee liqueur that started it all, this is the classic infusion of coffee and booze.
Angel’s Envy Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
$54.00Add to cartClassic bourbon aged for 4-6 years and finished with six months in Douro Port casks. Do you envy the angels their share?
Bacardi Superior Rum 750ml
$22.00Add to cartAhh yes, spring break ’98, we can still hear your echoes every time we taste Bacardi. Reminiscent of hey misters, weird mixers, and the gulf coast.
Baileys Original Irish Cream 750ml
$43.00Add to cartIrish whiskey is blended with Irish cream, chocolate, and vanilla.
Dolin Vermouth de Chambery Dry 375ml
$12.00Add to cartMore complex and a little sweeter than the red vermouth, this white is a classic fresh alpine expression that can add some zest to your next cocktail.
Rockwell Vermouth Co. Classic Sweet Vermouth Lot No. 1 750ml
$18.00Add to cartClassic vermouths from California at bargain prices.
Casamigos Blanco 375ml
$28.00Add to cartGeorge Clooney sold it for $1 Billion to booze giant Diageo, and became the face (and drive) behind many of the celebrity-backed booze companies. A perfect marketing case study.
Grand Marnier 375ml
$30.00Add to cartA cognac blended with orange liqueur that adds a little extra oomph to a margarita.
Kahlua 750ml
$37.00Add to cartAn always welcome blend of rum, sugar, and coffee. Delicious all around.